Global Audience

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

RNC Rules Committee moves to wipe out grassroots Party participation

Contributor: Dave Kopacz

Report filed August 28, 2012

RNC Rules Committee moves to wipe out grassroots Party participation

BREAKING CONVENTION NEWS: Earlier this morning the RNC Rules Committee made an initial move to wipe out grassroots Party participation and give the "presumptive nominee" complete veto authority over ALL delegates. The proposed rule was swiftly opposed by not only Ron Paul supporters, but many rank-and-file Republicans as well.

This appears to have been done to expose the detractors early because the issue seemed to be defeated and dropped when it reappeared later, while key members of the Rules Committee (the detractors) were not in attendance. Direct reports from the Convention floor just moments ago indicate that this was no accident.

There are claims that buses with key delegates and members of the Rules Committee was instructed to drive around and around the Convention perimeter. The people (captures) were NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER THE CONVENTION HALL! Reports of entire state delegations being intentionally stranded at Hotels is also occurring.

Additionally, numerous states are reporting that their duly elected delegates are being decertified on-site and replaced with Romney surrogates waiting in the wings. Most, if not ALL, of these decertified delegates just happen to be on the Rules Committee AND opposed to the Orwellian last second rule change.

We just might be witnessing the complete destruction of the Republican Party. The grotesque sickness that infected the MassGOP years ago has now sickened the nation.

I think GOP elitists just deliver another four years of Obama. America is dieing right before our eyes.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Defendant alleges Political Persecution, Intimidation

Reported by: Kyle Burns

Westfield MA-

    A jury returned two “not guilty” verdicts Wednesday which they deliberated on during their lunch break. The charges were two criminal counts that the defendant allegedly violated an Harassment Prevention Order under Massachusetts general law, a fairly new law on the books.

    Jeffrey Donnelly, 29, of Springfield, who represented himself in court, narrowly escaped a jail sentence today stated that this and other events all began back in 2009 when he made an announcement to run for congress against John Olver (D) – Massachusetts. Donnelly believes Westfield State University, including the president of the university may be involved, as Donnelly stated: “I believe its because Westfield the president of Westfield State College Dr. Evan Dobelle who is the former chief of protocol in the Jimmy Carter white house, he's Jimmy Carters right hand, former right hand man,” and other school officials for orchestrating events to sabotage his political aspirations.

    The plaintiff, a past friend of Donnelly now attends Westfield State University, filed the charges with help from two victim witness advocates, Westfield Police Department and Westfield State University allegedly a week after receiving several lawsuits from the defendant Donnelly said: “actually the alleged victim in these cases they didn't even go to the court, they didn't even go to the police department to file the complaint, the police department went to them.”

    Donnelly is a Republican, and those of whom he alleges have ruined his life and all but tried to Ruin any future chances of Donnelly running for public office are Democrats, according to Donnelly.

    Donnelly went on to say that since the announcement to run for office he has lost his job, been denied re-admission to Westfield State University, and has faced these charges, among other things. Donnelly stated that most of what he calls retaliation was after he named the school, several officials, and the plaintiff, all in several lawsuits based on the alleged harm he has suffered since his announcement to run for office in 2009.

    Part of the intimidation Donnelly alleges is that during the alleged violations he has been arrested at his home twice, by at least six plain clothes Springfield Police Officers and the Massachusetts State Police. Once at 5am with guns drawn, this was to execute a warrant for his arrest on behalf of the City of Westfield for the alleged violations of the Harassment Prevention Order. This is when they confiscated all of his lawfully owned guns and ammunition, and ransacked his apartment, according to Donnelly, who also claims that this type of order does not give the police the power to confiscate his guns and ammunition.

    During the events, according to Donnelly, he was told several times by several different individuals, but recalled one particular time while being served a “no trespass order”, for a second time, by and for Westfield State University. Donnelly recalls the serving officer stating: “drop out of the race, he told me to forget about Westfield college, to drop the lawsuits and everything else, and this will all go away,” Donnelly refused. This was served while in a holding cell located at the City of Westfield District Court. According to Donnelly, the service was performed by a Westfield State University Police officer, who Donnelly states he told Donnelly “I'm just following orders.”

    Donnelly said he still intends on pursuing the lawsuits against the named parties, despite the alleged persecution and intimidation, and plans on running for public office soon.

    Assistant District Attorney Partika refused to speak to me as I attempted to get permission to solicit comment from the Plaintiff. The plaintiff was unavailable for comment but may contact me if she chooses.

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Supreme Court upholds The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), informally referred to as Obamacare

Submitted by Kyle Burns

Springfield, MA -

Supreme Court upholds The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), informally referred to as Obamacare with a 5-4 decision, in an opinion written by Chief Justice Roberts, citing that they upheld the law, not because of the individual mandate (which would have been unconstitutional), but because of the portion of the law which is considered a tax. However, several months ago in an interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News, President Obama insisted that the law was not a tax, or a tax increase.

Originally the lawsuit sought to strike down the mandate in effect killing the remaining portion of the law which could not conceivably stand without the mandate. 

According to the opinion by the SCOTUS, the mandate would have failed under the commerce clause, so instead, the SCOTUS called the mandate a tax and allowed the law to stand under the guise that the US Government has a right to tax and spend as it pleases. This decision in effect breaks the pledge of no taxes for anyone earning under $250,000. Obama said in his speech that he pledges that under his plan no one will see a tax increase "not any of your taxes." Did he break his promise to the american people by passing Obamacare? 

The ruling is not a final stop on the road to Obamacare, as the Congress still has an option to repeal the law if it can muster up the support.